
The first successful sewage treatment plant for Marion was completed in 1938. Wastewater was distributed over large median material separating solids from liquids. The final stages of treated wastewater were disposed into the nearby Cottonwood River. This type of treatment was used until 1962 when 2 large lagoons were constructed. After several years of odor problems, the City of Marion decided to upgrade the lagoon system. In 1980 a third lagoon was constructed with the installation of 6 aerators to deliver dissolved oxygen into the treatment process. The wastewater is biologically treated and the continuous discharge is released into the Cottonwood River. This type of treatment is still used today.

The City of Marion currently maintains more than 25 miles of underground lines throughout the city delivering wastewater to the lagoons, and uses 500,000 gallons of it's 180,000 gallon wastewater system capacity.